(Adult) Rabies

Lansbergh Palace

1800.00 3000.00

Product Details

Description :

Rabies vaccine can prevent rabies. Rabies is a serious illness that people can get if they have contact with the saliva or neural tissue of an infected animal, for example through a bite or scratch, and do not receive appropriate medical care, including rabies vaccine.


Age Criteria :

19 years and older


Dose & Intervals :

Pre-exposure: 3 doses (0 day, 7 days and 21 or 28 days).

Post-exposure: 5 doses (0 day, 3 days, 7 days, 21 days, 28 days).


Contra-Indication :

Has had an allergic reaction after a previous dose of rabies vaccine, or has any severe, life-threatening allergies
Has a weakened immune system
Is taking or plans to take chloroquine or a drug related to chloroquine.


Adverse Effect :

Soreness, redness, swelling, or itching at the site of the injection, and headache, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, or dizziness can happen after rabies vaccine. Hives, pain in the joints, or fever sometimes happen after booster doses.


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